Tagged with adsorbent


Bio-inactivate mycotoxins with the help of the...

591 views September 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Guillermo Tellez-Isaias University of Arkansas, USA It is well-known that...


Impact of mycotoxins on immune system -...

245 views September 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Isabelle Oswald Head of Research center in food toxicology, INRA, Toxalim, France...


Binding & mycotoxins adsorption - MycoInfo 1/5

264 views September 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Vito D’Ascanio Post doc researcher, ISPA, Italy It is well-known that mycotoxins...


Mycotoxin and oxidative stress: a performance...

256 views September 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr Peter Surai, Vitagene and Health Research Centre, UK It is well-known that...