Tagged with health


Les nouvelles attentes des consommateurs - New...

156 views June 22, 2021

Speakers: François Attali (Terrena) et Elsa Delanoue (ITAVI - IFIP - IDELE). JRA 2019 - 13th...

Feed Technology

Chemistry and Biotechnology: the future for the...

70 views June 21, 2021

Mr. Gérard Deman (former Adisseo CEO) revisits 20 years of chemistry to support nutrition and how...

Gut Health

Never alone with microbiota

291 views June 14, 2021

Speaker : Prof Marc-André Selosse Prof Marc-André Selosse, recenlty released his book: Never...

Production Efficiency

Defining and evaluating biological variables...

595 views June 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Elodie Merlot, INRA, France Robust weaned piglets show optimal growth without...

Production Efficiency

An update of pig production in Denmark:...

763 views June 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr Christian Fink Hansen, Director Seges, Danish Pig Research Center The highest sow...


Peito amadeirado e estrias em frangos

421 views June 17, 2021

Speaker: Prof . Jovanir Fernandes Prof a. Jovanir Fernandes explica estas miopatias que tem...


The final objective: producing desirable meat

58 views June 15, 2021

Speakers: Prof Peter SURAI and Dr Mario ESTEVEZ Roundtable Session 2: Producing desirable meat,...

Product Quality

Meat conservation and further processing

65 views June 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr Mario ESTEVEZ (Extremadura University, Spain) Session 2: Producing desirable...