Tagged with fibres
Feed Technology
Importance of enzyme-substrate relationship...
Speaker: Dr Pierre COZANNET (CERN, Adisseo, France) Presentation: Anticipating the enzyme...
Low glucosinolate rapeseed meal as a valuable...
Speaker: Anna Rogiewicz Future Proteins Plenary Session 1 - Future protein sources – focus on...
The role of bioethanol production in producing...
Speaker: Emily Burton Future Proteins Plenary Session 1 - Future protein sources – focus on...
Production Efficiency
Feather pecking: nutritional approaches to...
Speaker: Annemarie Mens Layers Plenary Session 2 – Nutrition of layers ESPN 2019 The 22nd...
Gut Health
Using meta-technologies in understanding how...
Speaker: Prof Joël DORE, MICALIS, Metagenopolis, INRA, Paris, France We are an ecosystem, in...
Gut Health
Butyrate: a key functional regulator for the...
Speaker: Prof Hervé BLOTTIERE, MICALIS INRA, Paris, France We are an holobiont, an ecosystem...
Gut Health
Dietary modulation of gut microbial short-chain...
Speaker: Dr Petra LOUIS, the Rowett Institute, Aberdeen, UK Microbiota has multiple functions...
Gut Health
Dr Petra Louis Highlight on Butyrate
Dr Petra Louis gives her highlight on: Dietary modulation of gut microbial short-chain fatty acid...
Feed intake & Palatability
Enzyme use in conjunction with feeding strategies
Speaker: Prof Mingan Choct, Univ of New England, Armidale, Australia, Feed enzymes will help to...
Production Efficiency
How to improve sow nutrition for better piglet...
Speaker: Dr Peter Kappel Theil, Senior Scientist, Aarhus University A better feeding management...
For a better piglet quality: Managing the sows...
Speakers: Dr Peter Kappel Theil; Dr Elodie Merlot; Ard van Enckevort Fibres, a key lever to...
Nutritional Requirements
Fibres in layer diets: properties and...
Speaker: Knud Erik Bach Knudsen Dietary fibres: key feedstuffs to optimize layer nutrition....