Tagged with dysbiosis
Impact of mycotoxins on immune system -...
Speaker: Dr. Isabelle Oswald Head of Research center in food toxicology, INRA, Toxalim, France...
How mycotoxins affect reproductive, digestive...
Speaker: Dr. Hilde Van Meirhaeghe Poultry Consultant, Vetworks, Belgium It is well-known that...
Gut Health
Maintenance of intestinal barrier function: a...
Speaker: Dr Pascal THIERY (Tech Support Health by Nutrition, Adisseo, France) Presentation:...
Gut Health
Feeding an ecosystem: how can we feed the...
Speaker: Prof Filip van IMMERSEEL Ghent University, Belgium Presentation: Defining what is a...
Gut Health
Using meta-technologies in understanding how...
Speaker: Prof Joël DORE, MICALIS, Metagenopolis, INRA, Paris, France We are an ecosystem, in...
Gut Health
Holobiont for an efficient symbiosis
Speaker: Dr Joël DORE (INRA, France) Session 3: Feeding the birds or the bugs: toward nutrition...