Tagged with development

Environment Impact

Towards a more sustainable pig production:...

114 views March 30, 2021

Speaker: Dr Jean-Yves DOURMAD (Swine Research Centre, INRA Rennes, France) Presentation: The...


What is an ideal feed additive for broilers and...

332 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Prof Steven RICKE, Director of Food Safety, Univ of Arkansas, USA Alternative to...


Évolution des acteurs mondiaux, quelle place...

66 views June 22, 2021

Speaker: François Cadudal (ITAVI) et Paul Lopez (FIA). JRA 2019 - 13th Poultry Research Days,...

Feed Technology

A chemist in the Feed industry: Safety first!

183 views June 21, 2021

Mr. Gérard Deman (former Adisseo CEO) revisits 20 years of chemistry to support nutrition and how...

Gut Health

Microbiota is necessary for the development of...

687 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Bernd KASPERS, Inst Vet Medicine, Univ Munich, Germany The gut immune system...

Gut Health

Prof Bernd KASPERS presentation introduction

517 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Bernd KASPERS (Univ Munich, Germany), introduces his presentation: Microbiota is...