Tagged with bacteria
Gut Health
Microbiota is necessary for the development of...
Speaker: Prof Bernd KASPERS, Inst Vet Medicine, Univ Munich, Germany The gut immune system...
Gut Health
Prof Filip VAN IMMERSEEL presentation introduction
Speaker: Prof Filip VAN IMMERSEEL (Ghent University, Belgium), introducing its presentation:...
Gut Health
Prof Bernd KASPERS presentation introduction
Speaker: Prof Bernd KASPERS (Univ Munich, Germany), introduces his presentation: Microbiota is...
Gut Health
Prof Todd APPLEGATE Presentation introduction
Speaker: Prof Todd APPLEGATE from University of Georgia (USA) introduces his presentation:...
Gut Health
Intestinal functionality: the dichotomy between...
Speaker: Prof Todd APPLEGATE, Poult Sci Dept, Univ Georgia, USA The gut is adaptive and responds...
Gut Health
Mucosa-associated bacteria and their...
Speaker: Prof Filip VAN IMMERSEEL, Vet Medicine, Ghent Univ, Belgium Mucosa-associated bacterial...
From Oxidative stress to Inflammation: redox...
Speaker: Prof Charlotte LAURIDSEN An optimized antioxidant balance, particularly vitamin E and...
Heat Stress
The gut under hot climates: challenging microbiota
Speaker: Prof Richard Ducatelle, Ghent University, Belgium The most metabolically active cells...
Gut Health
The 5th IHSIG symposium on Intestinal Health in...
Speaker: Filip VAN IMMERSEEL To stimulate discussions, To promote scientific work on intestinal...
Gut Health
Microbiota: the key target for better gut health
Speaker: Robert MOORE There is not one ideal microbiota… different between flocks, between...
Gut Health
The intestinal barrier integrity revisited
Speaker: Yuming GUO A comprehensive review of the complexity of the intestinal barrier and the...
Gut Health
Microbial ecology : from indigestible fraction...
Speaker: Richard DUCATELLE More than bacteria profile, metabolites produced by microbiota will...