Tagged with Poultry
Gut Health
Microbial ecology : from indigestible fraction...
Speaker: Richard DUCATELLE More than bacteria profile, metabolites produced by microbiota will...
Gut Health
Gut Health: the true worldwide Hot topic
Roundtable Not a unique solution but approach complementarity will be key. Diagnostic tools: the...
Reviewing the feedstuffs and their potential...
Speaker: Rommel SULABO How to mitigate risks on gut health with the range and variability of...
Gut Health
The concept of resistance, tolerance and...
Speaker: Damer BLAKE Addressing the relationships between broiler genetics, Eimeria species,...
Gut Health
A field experience of gut health monitoring
Speaker: Manoosak WONGPHATCHAARACHAI Investigating the gut microbiota in practical conditions...
Gut Health
Enteric diseases in poultry: the virus factor
Speaker: Holly SELLERS The viral enteric diseases: a difficult diagnostic and a complex...
Gut Health
Using less antimicrobials results in less...
Speaker: Jeroen DEWULF Improving biosecurity should be the basis of any disease control program...
Gut Health
The future of broiler production: antibiotic-free
Speaker: Greg MATHIS Interrelationship between Necrotic Enteritis and Coccidiosis in Broilers,...
Feed intake & Palatability
What drives appetite and feed intake in birds?
Speaker: Prof Eugeni ROURA and Prof Henry CLASSENA crucial question to support the huge genetic...
The final objective: producing desirable meat
Speakers: Prof Peter SURAI and Dr Mario ESTEVEZ Roundtable Session 2: Producing desirable meat,...
Meat defaults: what do we know on their...
Speaker: Dr Massimiliano PETRACCI (Bologna University, Italy) Session 2: Producing desirable...
Gut Health
Improving the digestive immune system
Speaker: Prof Theo NIEWOLD (Katholieke Univ. Leuven Universiteit, Belgium) Session 3: Feeding...