Tagged with poultry

Gut Health

Indicators and biomarkers to appreciate gut health

373 views June 15, 2021

Speakers: Dr Elisabeth SANTIN (Univ. Fed do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil), Medicina veterinaria...

Product Quality

From muscle to meat: physiological and...

245 views June 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr Michel DUCLOS (INRA, France) Session 2: Producing desirable meat, ADVANCIA...

Gut Health

Scientific Background on Understanding Gut...

310 views February 26, 2021

Prof Filip van Immerseel and Prof Theo Niewold share their expert insights on Scientific...

Gut Health

The metabolic microbiota and Nutrition Ecology

345 views June 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr Filip VAN IMMERSEEL (Ghent University, Belgium) Session 3: Feeding the birds or...


Transforming feedstuffs into digestible nutrients

145 views June 15, 2021

Speakers: Prof Mike KIDD, Dr Joaquim BRUFAU and Prof Mingan CHOCT Roundtable Session 1:...


Feedstuff quality from variation to its...

605 views June 15, 2021

Speaker: Prof Gonzalo MATEOS (Madrid University, Spain) Session 1: Transforming feedstuffs...