Tagged with vaccination


Impact of mycotoxins on immune system -...

245 views September 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Isabelle Oswald Head of Research center in food toxicology, INRA, Toxalim, France...


How mycotoxins affect reproductive, digestive...

402 views September 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Hilde Van Meirhaeghe Poultry Consultant, Vetworks, Belgium It is well-known that...

Gut Health

Les récentes avancées sur Campylobacter dans la...

381 views June 22, 2021

Speaker: Marianne Chemaly (ANSES) et Julie Mayot (FIA). JRA 2019 - 13th Poultry Research Days,...

Gut Health

Enteric diseases in poultry: the virus factor

173 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Holly SELLERS The viral enteric diseases: a difficult diagnostic and a complex...

Gut Health

The future of broiler production: antibiotic-free

215 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Greg MATHIS Interrelationship between Necrotic Enteritis and Coccidiosis in Broilers,...