Tagged with safety

Feed Technology

WEBINAR #9 : Liquid Additives in the feed mills

1,377 views January 22, 2021

Speakers: Franck Ducatel, Operation Director at Cargill Premix France and president of...

Feed Technology

From feed to farm, how to ensure quality and...

146 views March 30, 2021

Speaker: Marc PEREL (Tech Support Feed Application, Adisseo, France) Presentation Using feed...


Les nouvelles attentes des consommateurs - New...

157 views June 22, 2021

Speakers: François Attali (Terrena) et Elsa Delanoue (ITAVI - IFIP - IDELE). JRA 2019 - 13th...

Feed Technology

A chemist in the Feed industry: Safety first!

183 views June 21, 2021

Mr. Gérard Deman (former Adisseo CEO) revisits 20 years of chemistry to support nutrition and how...

Feed Technology

Chemistry and Biotechnology: the future for the...

71 views June 21, 2021

Mr. Gérard Deman (former Adisseo CEO) revisits 20 years of chemistry to support nutrition and how...


The final objective: producing desirable meat

58 views June 15, 2021

Speakers: Prof Peter SURAI and Dr Mario ESTEVEZ Roundtable Session 2: Producing desirable meat,...

Product Quality

Meat conservation and further processing

65 views June 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr Mario ESTEVEZ (Extremadura University, Spain) Session 2: Producing desirable...