Tagged with human health

Gut Health

Fibre fermentation and the possible role of...

793 views March 30, 2021

Speaker: Dr Helle Nygaard LAERKE (Aarhus Univ, Denmark) Presentation: Butyrate, either...

Environment Impact

Towards a more sustainable pig production:...

108 views March 30, 2021

Speaker: Dr Jean-Yves DOURMAD (Swine Research Centre, INRA Rennes, France) Presentation: The...

Gut Health

Gut microbiota as the gate to the organism:...

477 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Prof Marc-André SELOSSE (NMNH, France) Presentation: The gut microbiota can be...

Gut Health

Questions & Answers Session with Dr. Petra Louis

55 views January 22, 2021

Speaker: Dr Petra LOUIS, the Rowett Institute, Aberdeen, UK Produced by the endogenous bacteria...

Gut Health

Butyrate: a key functional regulator for the...

1,096 views January 22, 2021

Speaker: Prof Hervé BLOTTIERE, MICALIS INRA, Paris, France We are an holobiont, an ecosystem...

Gut Health

Dietary modulation of gut microbial short-chain...

619 views January 22, 2021

Speaker: Dr Petra LOUIS, the Rowett Institute, Aberdeen, UK Microbiota has multiple functions...

Gut Health

Prof Hervé Blottière Highlight on Butyrate

242 views January 22, 2021

Prof Hervé Blottière Highlight gives his highlight on: Dietary modulation of gut microbial...

Gut Health

Dr Petra Louis Highlight on Butyrate

247 views January 22, 2021

Dr Petra Louis gives her highlight on: Dietary modulation of gut microbial short-chain fatty acid...

Gut Health

Microbiota, holobiont, pathobiont...

598 views June 14, 2021

Speaker: Dr Hervé Blottière We are not anymore alone but we have to be considered as a dynamic...

Gut Health

Deeper in the relationships between gut,...

125 views June 14, 2021

Speaker: Prof Emeran Mayer Our relationship with microbiota: a question of homeostasis....

Gut Health

Never alone with microbiota

285 views June 14, 2021

Speaker : Prof Marc-André Selosse Prof Marc-André Selosse, recenlty released his book: Never...

Gut Health

Using less antimicrobials results in less...

95 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Jeroen DEWULF Improving biosecurity should be the basis of any disease control program...