Feed Technology
Feedase: a new approach of enzyme solutions
Speaker: Marcio CECCANTINI (Tech Support Feed Dig, Adisseo, France) Presentation: Feed enzymes...
Feed Technology
Advances in understanding potential and...
Speaker: Prof M. RODEHUTSCORD (Hohenheim Univ, Germany) Presentation: Phytate is an important...
Feed Technology
Importance of enzyme-substrate relationship...
Speaker: Dr Pierre COZANNET (CERN, Adisseo, France) Presentation: Anticipating the enzyme...
Gut Health
The pro-prebiotic effect of enzymes: their...
Speaker: Dr Lamya RHAYAT (CERN, Adisseo, France) Presentation: Enzymes modify the substrates...
Gut Health
Nutrition rebalancing under antibiotic-free...
Speaker: Dr Mike PERSIA Virginia Tech, USA Presentation: Digestive pathogens affect amino acid...
Gut Health
Butyrate: a tool for a better gut health
Speaker: Prof Joshua GONG Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Presentation: Butyrate has roles as...
Gut Health
How various non-AGP strategies can reduce the...
Speaker: Dr Doug KORVER Univ of Alberta, Canada Presentation: Non-antibiotic strategies to...
Gut Health
Feeding an ecosystem: how can we feed the...
Speaker: Prof Filip van IMMERSEEL Ghent University, Belgium Presentation: Defining what is a...
Plenary discussion Session 4 – Sustainability
Speakers: Yves TOHERMES; Bertrand MEDA; Markus RODEHUTSCORD Sustainability Plenary Session 4 –...
Nutritional Requirements
Amino acid requirements of ducks
Speaker: Shuisheng Hou Ducks TurkeysPlenary Session 5 – Other species ESPN 2019The 22nd...
Sustainability goals and approaches of the feed...
Speaker: Yves Tohermes SustainabilityPlenary Session 4 – Sustainability ESPN 2019The 22nd...
Plenary discussion Session 5 – Other species
Speakers: Shuisheng HOU; Patrick GARLAND; Krzysztof KOZLOWSKI Ducks TurkeysPlenary Session 5 –...