Tagged with mycotoxins


Topic 5: How can I protect animals from...

132 views August 21, 2024

In this final video, Vito D’Ascanio answers crucial questions about protecting animals from...


Topic 4: Can My Animals Adapt to Mycotoxins?

52 views July 12, 2024

Gunther Antonissen explores the potential for animal adaptation to mycotoxins and the...


Topic 3: How Can I Avoid Mycotoxin...

99 views July 12, 2024

Damien Preveraud provides practical strategies and tips to prevent mycotoxin contamination during...


Topic 2: How Can My Environment Influence the...

122 views July 12, 2024

Alain Froment discusses the environmental aspects that can affect mycotoxin development and...


Topic 1: Where Does My Mycotoxin Problem Come...

212 views July 10, 2024

Florence Forget delves into the origins of mycotoxin contamination, shedding light on the various...

Gut Health

Antioxidant-Prooxidant balance in the gut:...

81 views March 29, 2021

Speaker: Prof Peter SURAI (Feed-Food Ltd, Glasgow, UK) Presentation: Optimizing the gut redox...

Gut Health

Feeding an ecosystem: how can we feed the...

559 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Prof Filip van IMMERSEEL Ghent University, Belgium Presentation: Defining what is a...