Tagged with microbiota

Gut Health

Deeper in the relationships between gut,...

126 views June 14, 2021

Speaker: Prof Emeran Mayer Our relationship with microbiota: a question of homeostasis....

Gut Health

What can be the biomarker of gut challenge?...

490 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Filip VAN IMMERSEEL Advancia Academy 2018: Strengthening intestinal frontier:...

Gut Health

What about immune response, vaccine efficacy &...

80 views June 11, 2021

Spaeker: Prof Bernd KASPERS Advancia Academy 2018: Strengthening intestinal frontier: key for...

Gut Health

Microbiota is necessary for the development of...

687 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Bernd KASPERS, Inst Vet Medicine, Univ Munich, Germany The gut immune system...

Gut Health

Prof Bernd KASPERS presentation introduction

515 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Bernd KASPERS (Univ Munich, Germany), introduces his presentation: Microbiota is...

Gut Health

Dr Estelle DEVILLARD presentation introduction

144 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Dr Estelle DEVILLARD, Health by Nutrition RD Team (Adisseo, France), introduces her...

Nutritional Requirements

Prof Mike KIDD presentation introduction

131 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Mike KIDD (University of Arkansas, USA), introducing his presentation: Amino...

Nutritional Requirements

Amino Acids: key for the functioning of intestine

268 views June 11, 2021

Amino Acids: key for the functioning of intestine First pass of Amino Acids supplies the...

Gut Health

Probiotics: Effects on gut barrier and...

468 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Dr Estelle DEVILLARD, Health by Nutrition RD Team, Adisseo, France At each level of...

Heat Stress

The gut under hot climates: challenging microbiota

841 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Richard Ducatelle, Ghent University, Belgium The most metabolically active cells...

Gut Health

Microbiota intestinal a sua interação com o...

63 views June 17, 2021

Speaker: Prof a. Andrea Ribeiro: Saúde intestinal é a chave para se atingir uma boa...

Gut Health

The 5th IHSIG symposium on Intestinal Health in...

233 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Filip VAN IMMERSEEL To stimulate discussions, To promote scientific work on intestinal...