Tagged with metagenomics

Gut Health

Improving gut health by modulating the...

525 views June 21, 2021

Speaker: Fanny Calenge Gut healthPlenary Session 3 – Gut health – take on new approaches ESPN...

Gut Health

Using meta-technologies in understanding how...

329 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Prof Joël DORE, MICALIS, Metagenopolis, INRA, Paris, France We are an ecosystem, in...

Gut Health

Microbiota: the key target for better gut health

361 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Robert MOORE There is not one ideal microbiota… different between flocks, between...

Gut Health

Holobiont for an efficient symbiosis

117 views June 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr Joël DORE (INRA, France) Session 3: Feeding the birds or the bugs: toward nutrition...