Tagged with evaluation

Nutritional Requirements

#2/20 - Can you please address the energy costs...

154 views January 21, 2021

Speakers: Dr Jean Noblet, Dr Pierre-André Geraert and Pierre Cozannet Answer: There is some...

Nutritional Requirements

Webinar #11 - Net Energy, Feed Formulation and...

1,017 views January 21, 2021

Speakers: Dr Jean Noblet, Dr Pierre-André Geraert and Pierre Cozannet Last June, we completed...

Gut Health

Indicators and biomarkers to appreciate gut health

373 views June 15, 2021

Speakers: Dr Elisabeth SANTIN (Univ. Fed do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil), Medicina veterinaria...


Feedstuff quality from variation to its...

605 views June 15, 2021

Speaker: Prof Gonzalo MATEOS (Madrid University, Spain) Session 1: Transforming feedstuffs...