Tagged with Swine
Production Efficiency
How to improve sow nutrition for better piglet...
Speaker: Dr Peter Kappel Theil, Senior Scientist, Aarhus University A better feeding management...
For better piglet quality : Defining piglet...
Spaekers: Dr Peter Kappel Theil; Dr Elodie Merlot; Ard van Enckevort How can we define piglet...
Environment Impact
The Challenges of the swine industry:...
Speakers: Dr Christian Fink Hansen ; Dr Nathalie Quiniou ; Patrick Chevillon Reducing nitrogen...
For a better piglet quality: Managing the sows...
Speakers: Dr Peter Kappel Theil; Dr Elodie Merlot; Ard van Enckevort Fibres, a key lever to...
For better piglet quality: Feeding piglets
Speakers: Dr Peter Kappel Theil; Dr Elodie Merlot; Ard van Enckevort How to improve piglet and...
Production Efficiency
An update of pig production in Denmark:...
Speaker: Dr Christian Fink Hansen, Director Seges, Danish Pig Research Center The highest sow...
Nutritional Requirements
Roundtable with Experts on phosphorus
Speakers: Prof Layi Adeola from Purdue Univ, USA; Prof Markus Rodehutscord, Univ of Hohenheim,...
Reviewing the feedstuffs and their potential...
Speaker: Rommel SULABO How to mitigate risks on gut health with the range and variability of...
Gut Health
Using less antimicrobials results in less...
Speaker: Jeroen DEWULF Improving biosecurity should be the basis of any disease control program...
Gut Health
Improving the digestive immune system
Speaker: Prof Theo NIEWOLD (Katholieke Univ. Leuven Universiteit, Belgium) Session 3: Feeding...
Factors of variation of animal digestibility
Speaker: Prof Knud Erik BACH KNUDSEN (Aarhus University, Denmark) Session 1: Transforming...