Tagged with layers
Variability of nutritional characteristics of...
Speaker: Prof M. RODEHUTSCORD (Hohenheim Univ, Germany) Presentation: Lots of factors of...
Gut Health
Microbiota is necessary for the development of...
Speaker: Prof Bernd KASPERS, Inst Vet Medicine, Univ Munich, Germany The gut immune system...
Gut Health
Prof Bernd KASPERS presentation introduction
Speaker: Prof Bernd KASPERS (Univ Munich, Germany), introduces his presentation: Microbiota is...
Nutritional modulation of the antioxidant...
Speaker: Prof Peter SURAI By optimizing the anti-oxidant balance, selenium plays an important...
Nutritional Requirements
Fibres in layer diets: properties and...
Speaker: Knud Erik Bach Knudsen Dietary fibres: key feedstuffs to optimize layer nutrition....
EggDay 2017 Introduction
Speaker: Dr Pierre-André GERAERT The challenge of the layer industry: producing eggs in the most...