Tagged with lumen

Gut Health

Intestinal functionality: the dichotomy between...

203 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Prof Todd APPLEGATE Univ of Georgia, USA Presentation: The gut and its microbial...

Gut Health

Butyrate: a tool for a better gut health

583 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Prof Joshua GONG Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Presentation: Butyrate has roles as...

Gut Health

What can be the biomarker of gut challenge?...

491 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Filip VAN IMMERSEEL Advancia Academy 2018: Strengthening intestinal frontier:...


Prof Markus RODEHUTSCORD presentation introduction

747 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Markus RODEHUTSCORD, (Univ Hohenheim, Germany) introducing its presentation:...

Gut Health

Flexibility of intestinal digestive processes...

328 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Markus RODEHUTSCORD, Inst Animal Science, Univ Hohenheim, Germany Phytate can be...