Tagged with lactate

Gut Health

Fibre fermentation and the possible role of...

810 views March 30, 2021

Speaker: Dr Helle Nygaard LAERKE (Aarhus Univ, Denmark) Presentation: Butyrate, either...

Gut Health

Feeding an ecosystem: how can we feed the...

562 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Prof Filip van IMMERSEEL Ghent University, Belgium Presentation: Defining what is a...

Gut Health

Microbial ecology : from indigestible fraction...

638 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Richard DUCATELLE More than bacteria profile, metabolites produced by microbiota will...

Gut Health

The metabolic microbiota and Nutrition Ecology

345 views June 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr Filip VAN IMMERSEEL (Ghent University, Belgium) Session 3: Feeding the birds or...