Tagged with gastro-intestinal tract

Gut Health

Antioxidant-Prooxidant balance in the gut:...

81 views March 29, 2021

Speaker: Prof Peter SURAI (Feed-Food Ltd, Glasgow, UK) Presentation: Optimizing the gut redox...

Gut Health

Nutritional steering of intestinal health to...

449 views March 29, 2021

Speaker: Prof Richard DUCATELLE (Ghent Univ., Belgium) Presentation: Managing the gut...

Feed Technology

Advances in understanding potential and...

268 views March 29, 2021

Speaker: Prof M. RODEHUTSCORD (Hohenheim Univ, Germany) Presentation: Phytate is an important...

Gut Health

Intestinal functionality: the dichotomy between...

202 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Prof Todd APPLEGATE Univ of Georgia, USA Presentation: The gut and its microbial...

Gut Health

Prof Todd APPLEGATE Presentation introduction

283 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Todd APPLEGATE from University of Georgia (USA) introduces his presentation:...

Gut Health

Intestinal functionality: the dichotomy between...

230 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Todd APPLEGATE, Poult Sci Dept, Univ Georgia, USA The gut is adaptive and responds...

Gut Health

Microbial ecology : from indigestible fraction...

636 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Richard DUCATELLE More than bacteria profile, metabolites produced by microbiota will...


Reviewing the feedstuffs and their potential...

544 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Rommel SULABO How to mitigate risks on gut health with the range and variability of...

Gut Health

Enteric diseases in poultry: the virus factor

171 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Holly SELLERS The viral enteric diseases: a difficult diagnostic and a complex...


Factors of variation of animal digestibility

363 views June 15, 2021

Speaker: Prof Knud Erik BACH KNUDSEN (Aarhus University, Denmark) Session 1: Transforming...