Tagged with anti-inflammatory

Gut Health

Feeding an ecosystem: how can we feed the...

560 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Prof Filip van IMMERSEEL Ghent University, Belgium Presentation: Defining what is a...

Gut Health

Questions & Answers Session with Prof. Filip...

49 views January 22, 2021

Speaker: Prof Filip VAN IMMERSEEL, Faculty Vet Medicine, Ghent Univ, Belgium Produced by the...

Gut Health

From butyrate to gut protection systems and...

679 views January 22, 2021

Speaker: Dr Jean-Paul LALLES, Human Division, INRA Rennes, France Butyrate stimulates the...

Gut Health

The use of exogenous butyrate, and the...

684 views January 22, 2021

Speaker: Prof Filip VAN IMMERSEEL, Faculty Vet Medicine, Ghent Univ, Belgium Salmonella is...

Gut Health

Improving the digestive immune system

412 views June 15, 2021

Speaker: Prof Theo NIEWOLD (Katholieke Univ. Leuven Universiteit, Belgium) Session 3: Feeding...