Tagged with EggDay 2017

Nutritional Requirements

Fibres in layer diets: properties and...

861 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Knud Erik Bach Knudsen Dietary fibres: key feedstuffs to optimize layer nutrition....


Poultry welfare and beak trimming

142 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Thea Van NIEKERK Taking care of welfare for a sustainable laying egg production. With...


The European Egg industry

899 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: François Caudal The European Egg industry: situation and recent developments...


Oxidative stress: selenium in layer and breeder...

368 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Peter SURAI Layers are often facing oxidative stress situations and can be helped with...


EggDay 2017 Introduction

165 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Dr Pierre-André GERAERT The challenge of the layer industry: producing eggs in the most...


From alternative ingredients to enzyme...

605 views June 16, 2021

Speakers: Elisabeth BOURGUEIL; Abiodun BELLO From alternative ingredients to enzyme...