Smart Science Series

Practical AA balancing and energy status

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During this webinar Mike Van Amburgh, Department of Animal Science, Cornell University is presenting his insights on: Practical AA balancing and energy status

Practical Approaches to Balancing Diets for AA for Dairy Cattle by Considering for Integrating Energy to Describe AA Requirements

The amino acid (AA) requirements of dairy cattle continue to evolve to the benefit of more precise ration formulation and herd production and performance. This webinar provides an in-depth understanding of first limiting AA, the pertinent animal biology and feed chemistry, feed ingredient considerations, and formulation insights.

Smart Science Series
Through the Smart Science Series of six webinars, explore the rewards of amino acid balancing and ration formulation. In the first five webinars, a university professor discusses the aspect in which he is the top industry expert. The sixth webinar is forward looking, as two university professors discuss aligning genetic potential with nutritional requirements for longevity and sustainability.

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