Gut Health
Gut Health
Fibre fermentation and the possible role of...
Speaker: Dr Helle Nygaard LAERKE (Aarhus Univ, Denmark) Presentation: Butyrate, either...
Gut Health
Antioxidant-Prooxidant balance in the gut:...
Speaker: Prof Peter SURAI (Feed-Food Ltd, Glasgow, UK) Presentation: Optimizing the gut redox...
Gut Health
Nutritional steering of intestinal health to...
Speaker: Prof Richard DUCATELLE (Ghent Univ., Belgium) Presentation: Managing the gut...
Gut Health
Maintenance of intestinal barrier function: a...
Speaker: Dr Pascal THIERY (Tech Support Health by Nutrition, Adisseo, France) Presentation:...
Gut Health
The pro-prebiotic effect of enzymes: their...
Speaker: Dr Lamya RHAYAT (CERN, Adisseo, France) Presentation: Enzymes modify the substrates...
Gut Health
Nutrition rebalancing under antibiotic-free...
Speaker: Dr Mike PERSIA Virginia Tech, USA Presentation: Digestive pathogens affect amino acid...
Gut Health
Intestinal functionality: the dichotomy between...
Speaker: Prof Todd APPLEGATE Univ of Georgia, USA Presentation: The gut and its microbial...
Gut Health
Butyrate: a tool for a better gut health
Speaker: Prof Joshua GONG Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Presentation: Butyrate has roles as...
Gut Health
How various non-AGP strategies can reduce the...
Speaker: Dr Doug KORVER Univ of Alberta, Canada Presentation: Non-antibiotic strategies to...
Gut Health
Feeding an ecosystem: how can we feed the...
Speaker: Prof Filip van IMMERSEEL Ghent University, Belgium Presentation: Defining what is a...
Heat Stress
Mechanistic understanding of intestinal barrier...
Speaker: Prof Sami DRIDI Univ of Arkansas, USA Presentation: Understanding and mediating the...
Gut Health
Improving gut health by modulating the...
Speaker: Fanny Calenge Gut healthPlenary Session 3 – Gut health – take on new approaches ESPN...