Feed Technology

#16/20 - Do you have any results on the influence of i.e. hydrothermal processing of certain raw materials like barley (production of cooked barley for weaner pig diets) on the NE Content in the processed barley or other processed grain ?

Speakers: Dr Jean Noblet, Dr Pierre-André Geraert and Pierre Cozannet 

First the principle is that technological treatments will firstly affect the DE of the ME values. The main purpose of any technical or technological treatments is to change the availability of the nutrients within the gut.

Q&A #16/20Webinar #11 on Net Energy, Feed Formulation and animal performance
After education on Net Energy in the SEV, time now to get our expert, Jean Noblet answering questions from the field. The short introduction will be followed by 9 questions answered by Jean, Pierre Cozannet with Pierre-André Geraert as moderator of the webinar.
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